Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Fields Medal --Nobel Prize of Mathematics

The Fields Medal is one of the most prestigious Mathematics prizes.It is given by the International Congress of Mathematicians every four years to a maximum of three Mathematicians of age under 40.
This year ICM is going be held in the month of november and for the first time a Mathematician of Indian origin by name MANJUL BHARGAVA is predicted to win it.

He is Professor of Mathematics,Princeton University(Princeton University is the Mathematical centre of the Universe).He works in the area of ALGEBRAIC NUMBER THEORY.His work is considered to be an extension of Gauss' work.

Mathematicans all over are eagerly awaiting for the ICM to break the long silence about the most prestigious recognition in the area of Mathematics.Indian contribution in the field of Mathematics in the last fifty years has been very meagre."Polynomial time deterministic algorithm for checking the primalty of numbers" by Prof:Manaindra Agarwal of IIT Kanpur was the only noteworthy contribution by a nation of one billion people in the recent times.

Mathematics,the queen of Sciences seems to be lacking the popularity it deserves due to some obscure reason.In India IITs take a lion's share of the most talented young blood of Mathematics and they end up persuing their higher studies in an Engineering descipline thus denying Math a brilliant student.China is supposed to be having a very strong base in pure Science Education ,this being reflected in their IMO performance(All five Chinese candidates get gold medals invariably from time immemorial).
The standard of Math,Science and Engineering Education is very critical for a country's Technological Progress and it being a centre of Research and Development and there by Innovation.India and China have been benefitting due to this for quite a long time by now.The US edge on Tech and R&D seems be eroding and the Asian countries seems to be catching up.

This is the right time for India to Rise and shine in an increasingly Asian Century.


. said...

Lion's share is with IIT? Are you a social science worker who never learnt how to count (people)?

utsav choudhury said...

There are many Glorious Indian contribution to mathematics. Like Chandrasekhar Khare proveing Serre's Conjecture, Pataudi with Atiyah and Singer proving Atiyah Singer Pataudi Index theorem, the whole bunch of representation theory done by Harishchandra, The work of Sheshadri Narasiman on Moduli spaces and vector bundles are second to none in algebraic geometry, Abhayankars work in algebraic geometry, monumental works of Rahul Parandharipande in gromov witten theory. Compared to anyone of these things, the work of agarwal kayal saxena theorem is highschool level and it is very very applied mathematics.