The first half black ( African-American) US presidential Candidate ...the rock star politician...the best orator among all the 08 presidential candidates.....
Outraised Hillary Clinton in primary fund raising :)
a remarkable acheivement surely....but still I beleive Hillary is too tough to be beaten by this 45 year old man :)
Obama's weakness
1.Lack of Experience. He had become senator just 2 years back and now running for President.( He says I have been in politics long enough to know that politics needs a change )
2. His race(colour)- Is US ready for a black President? He is supposed to be a black leader who does not scare white people....
H was born in Hawaii , father from Kenya and mother from Kansas (US) ,went to school in LA (Los Angeles) and Jakarta( Indonesia) ,went to college in New York, then at Harvard Law School( got his degree with Magna Cum Laude) and then lived in Chicago and now in washington and now want to move to White House...
A "unique perspective" in the globalised 21st century....